Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Xbox Series

Welcome to Brighton! Join the ranks of the police force in this fictional American city and experience the everyday life of a patrol officer.
Experience a traffic system that organically creates traffic jams, road accidents, speeding cars, other traffic offenses like running a red light, and more.
Three districts with several neighborhoods and their own flair.

Amazon.de Price: 3,999.00 (as of 10/04/2023 00:24 PST- Details) & FREE Shipping.

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Willkommen in Brighton! Schließe dich den Reihen der Polizei dieser fiktiven US-amerikanischen Großstadt an und erlebe den Alltag eines Streifenpolizisten oder einer Streifenpolizistin. Beginne mit Parkverstößen und arbeite dich nach oben, um mehr Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Werde Teil der Stadtgemeinschaft von Brighton, lerne deine Nachbarschaft kennen, erfülle während deiner Schicht deine alltäglichen Pflichten und bekämpfe die Kriminalität. Sei hart, aber fair: Auch du selbst solltest stets das Gesetz achten! Sammle in jeder Schicht wertvolle Erfahrungen und schalte so weitere Nachbarschaften, Stadtteile und Aufgaben frei!

Welcome to Brighton! Join the ranks of the police force in this fictional American city and experience the everyday life of a patrol officer.
Experience a traffic system that organically creates traffic jams, road accidents, speeding cars, other traffic offenses like running a red light, and more.
Three districts with several neighborhoods and their own flair.
A range of tasks: from traffic accidents, parking violations and emergency response to chasing down drug dealers and graffiti sprayers.
Single player and multiplayer mode

Specification: Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Xbox Series


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Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Xbox Series
Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Xbox Series

Amazon.de Price: 3,999.00 (as of 10/04/2023 00:24 PST- Details) & FREE Shipping.

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